Mike was an American business executive expanding his market in Italy. He found that there was a big prospect that said he would buy, but the prospect never bought when Mike's salesman went to close the deal.

His local salesman was great. He had already made many other sales. There was nothing that could be wrong with the salesman. Nothing made sense. 

Mike decided to visit the prospect when his salesman went on vacation. Mike was not able to figure out what the problem was during his visit. So Mike hired a local business expert to help him gain insight into the problem.  

The problem was a local cultural issue. The problem could not have been foreseen by an outsider. It could not be exposed by the locals. The problem could not have been solved without the help of an insider providing an explanation of the nuance of the issue. 

After more time, money, and energy was spent dealing with local employment laws, the prospect became a customer. 

Note: We left out the cultural issue so as not to inflame differences between groups. 

The point is that what can destroy your business is oftentimes things that can’t be talked about in public. It is usually what outsiders don’t know. And those that know may also not tell you what the issue is. 

You’ll spend time and money when you don’t have to. You’ll make many mistakes not knowing you may be offending the locals and breaking local laws. 

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